First Introduction

This blog will become my new obsession and I’m taking all of my viewers along for the ride. Welcome to the journey, hop onto the bandwagon and let’s take a ride,shall we?

My pen name is Linda. That what everyone calls me anyways, and I am here to present to you different challenges to do everyday, so that you can grow stronger and stronger in reading,writing and blogging. In every single post here, there will be images because I love pictures so flash-warning. I’m a person with big goals and big dreams and big challenges. So I am tackling the 52 week blog challenge, and I hope that it will be a fun time for all of you to get to know me. You can view what I will be talking about each week below, so if you are interested at all, then please stay tuned!

The first deadline for my blog post is on Friday the 23rd.
